Setting up team repo for

April 25, 2024

I figured it would be a good idea to come on here and write a quick post, because I've learned a lot tonight about how to set up a code repoistory for a team of multiple people when you're the one in charge.

Earlier tonight, I set up the first iteration of CI/CD pipelines, branch protection rules, automated checks, and all that good stuff for Boilerbase ( This was really exciting for me because this was the first time I've worked on a repository that I own, that actually requires things like pull requests, automated CI/CD pipelines, branch protection rules, and even different deployment environments.

As of right now, we have a production environment and a staging environment as our two main branches that require approval to merge into. Normal tickets and day to day work is done off of the staging environment branch, and each of these environments has their own suite of automated tests for deployment, unit/integration testing, compliance, security, etc.

This has all been made surprisingly easy thanks to Vercel and I could not recommend them enough as a hosting provider.

My next focus for the rest of the week is to design the dashboard view for both normal users and sellers.

Thanks for reading - Isaac